The child tried to build a house of cards but it soon fell over. 这孩子试着用牌搭一所房子,可是它一会儿就倒坍了。
From one house of cards to another, as it were. 从某种程度上说,这不过是从一个摇摇晃晃的纸牌房子转到了另一个而已。
'House of Cards' is only going to go a second season and I think thats it, Cleveland told Gold Derby. 克利夫兰对GoldDerby网站表示:《纸牌屋》只有两季,我也觉得差不多了。
The reign of House Of Cards may be short-lived. 《纸牌屋》的统治也许很短命。
House of Cards Season 2 will be released in its entirety on February 14. 《纸牌屋》第二季将会在美国时间2月14日一次性放出第二季的全部13集。
House of Cards is among Obama's favorite shows. 《纸牌屋》是奥巴马最爱的剧集之一。
House of Cards is adding a pair of aces to its Season 2 deck. 《纸牌屋》第二季中会出现一对王牌演员。
I must admit, that to fulfill my House of Cards longing during the summer of 2014, I cheated a bit and watched the final season of the original British version of the show, House of Cards: the Final Cut. 我必须承认,去年夏天为了满足我自己对《纸牌屋》的期望,我去看了这部剧英国版本的最后一季。
At the 2013 Emmy Awards, House of Cards picked up three statues and shook up the race. 在2013年艾美奖颁奖礼上,《纸牌屋》拿下了三座奖杯表现不俗。
House of Cards 'was also a critical sensation, winning three primetime Emmys and a Golden Globe. 《纸牌屋》在评论界也引起了轰动,赢得三个黄金时段艾美奖和一个金球奖。
But like Mr. Underwood, 'House of Cards' ultimately triumphed. 但和安德伍德一样,《纸牌屋》最后胜利了。
Most of my Chinese friends have at some point mentioned Big Bang to me; I haven't yet talked about House of Cards. 我的大部分中国朋友都曾经向我提起过《生活大爆炸》;我还没有跟他们讨论过《纸牌屋》。
Unlike House of Cards, Big Bang doesn't get loads of press for its popularity in China. 与《纸牌屋》不同,《生活大爆炸》并没有因为它在中国备受欢迎而受到媒体连篇累牍的报道。
Otherwise the entire system falls apart. It's basically a house of cards. 否则,整个系统就会分崩离析&那样的话,系统就只是一栋有着多张门卡的房子。
WSJ: Do you know how many of Netflix's subscribers watch 'House of Cards'? 《华尔街日报》:你是否知道Netflix订户当中有多少人在看《纸牌屋》?
This is a house of cards waiting to fall down. And it eventually does. 他们就像一个摇摇欲坠的纸房子,最终真的就轰然倒塌。
In 2013, Netflix became the first non-TV network to win an Emmy for the series House of Cards. 2013年,Netflix公司凭借剧集《纸牌屋》,成为首家赢得艾美奖(Emmy)的非电视网络机构。
Hence, while America was busy creating a financial house of cards, Asians focused on their real economies. 因此,当美国正忙着建造一个不切实际的金融帝国时,亚洲人却把重点放在他们的实体经济上。
I think that the Chinese leadership has this notion that their own house of cards has a better chance of survival if they give support to other houses of cards. 我认为中国的领导有这一观念:如果他们支持其他的脆弱国家,那么他们自己的脆弱国家有更好的生存机会。
The whole building will come down like a house of cards. 那样整个房子就会像纸牌一样塌下去。
Our lives are like a house of cards. 生活就像是一个纸牌搭成的房子。
Our401Ks, pension funds, IRAs, and Roths are built on a house of cards, but it is too late: we're trapped in the game. 我们的401K、养老基金、个人养老账户建立在一个空中楼阁之上,太晚了:我们被套在这个游戏中了。
I'm afraid you've been building a house of cards; no one is going to help you in a scheme like that. 恐怕你一直在考虑的计划是不可靠的空中楼阁,没人会帮助你去搞那样的一个计划。
Speculative fever creates new avenues of excess until the house of cards collapses. 投机热情催生新的过度途径,直到纸牌搭建的房子坍塌。
His authority in society and even in his own home was collapsing like a house of cards! 而且无论在社会上,在家庭中,他的威权又已处处露着败象,成了总崩溃!
The regime collapsed like a house of cards. 政权如同纸牌搭的房子般崩溃了。
The Fed is worried about a collapsing house of cards. 美联储担忧的是,一个失败的不切实际无法实现的计划。
Finally, the world's greatest house of cards. 终于完成了!世界上最大的纸牌房子!
But the Federation is like a house of cards: disturb one and the whole structure wobbles. 但是这个联合会就像纸牌搭的房子,只要动一动某一方,整个机构就会跟着颤动起来。